29 x 35 x 22 cm.
"Die bewahrende Kraft der liebevollen Erinnerung", literally "the protective force of loving memory" is not only the title but also the core of this sculpture created for the exhibition "2.5.0. Object is Meditation and Poetry“ at the Grassi Museum of Applied Arts in Leipzig. These few words, extrapolated directly from the museum's original audio guide, are the source from which both the structure and the shape of the final object derive. The three-dimensional model at the base of the sculpture originated at the parametric values that characterize the two- dimensional waveform of the recorded guide voice. Through this process, the words spoken by the guide to tell the story of an object on display are translated into a tangible entity, an object in turn, which, emancipating itself, independently becomes an integral part of the exhibition.
The original display of the work is accompanied by a text on the side, the direct experience of its author, his story.
“An object arouses my interest. I press the button. A voice reveals to me the object’s past life through the headphones. Three minutes, no more, there are three hundred years to tell, they will be enough to break the ice.
I imagine this man talking to me right now. He stands upright beside me and patiently explains the most important thing, as he has already done thousands of times for a thousand different people.His sentences too begin to take shape. I can almost touch them, they float practically motionless over the chair in the Louis XVI style, which is three steps away from the wall. The long corridor is deserted. The words are slowly crystallizing and only I can see how they gradually solidify into a compact mass. Now the mass is totally motionless, hovering low over the wooden edge of the chair. The two forms speak to each other, three minutes no more. They were enough."