RESP. 225 X 150 / 350 X 133 cm.
What do a toothbrush mustache and a Googlemap glitch have in common? If on the formal, aesthetic or ideal level practically nothing unites them, what remains? The parallel between the images that compose this photographic work realized itself in the process of a new contextualization, in the relocation of the original meaning of the two subjects. Just as an error in programming causes a glitch that leads to the alteration of an image, depriving it of its function, the consequences of a historical fact or the actions of a person can alter the common perception of what, before it, was simply considered growing a fashionable mustache.As we all know, redefining the context, the causes and effects of an action can change radically, the same object can have different functions and the content of an image can express very distant meanings. Throughout the process of decontextualization, the map that would take you to the place where your future bed is located can be transformed into an abstract picture. A sadly known whiskers cut can reaffirm its independence and its inherent aesthetic potential.